Wednesday, March 9, 2022Fires can happen in a number of ways. They may occur because of a product defect or as the result of an accident. However, sometimes they are the result of a bad habit or mistake that someone unknowingly makes. Four of these mistakes are discussed below. Smoking in Bed READ MORE >>
Wednesday, March 9, 2022While most business owners recognize that insurance is a necessity, who wouldn’t want to cut back on the costs? Your savings can help you grow your business or even reward your employees who’ve made that growth possible. READ MORE >>
Tuesday, February 15, 2022Home insurance for manufactured homes is different than policies designed for other properties. No matter what type of manufactured home you have, it is important to work with your agent to select a customized plan. Plans exist that can protect your home itself, the contents of it, and your liability risks. READ MORE >>
Monday, February 14, 2022Within your store, you might have a lot of display cases, windows and glass cabinets. That means there’s a potential for a lot of breakage should the right accidents happen. That broken glass could be expensive to repair or replace. Yet, you’ll need to do so. Will your commercial property insurance help you? READ MORE >>
Tuesday, February 8, 2022Shopping for life insurance can be a complicated process. There are many options and extras to look through when researching policy options. The plethora of insurance companies offering life insurance products can make purchasing coverage even more complicated. Of course, you want the most for your money without overpaying for a policy. READ MORE >>
Tuesday, January 18, 2022Moving to a new home can impact how much risk your vehicle faces. What worked for you in your old home might not work for you in your new one. Therefore, it is best to specifically review your auto policy during your move. Your insurance agent can help you update and adjust your coverage so that it remains effective in your new place. READ MORE >>
Wednesday, December 15, 2021Summer is here and you may be counting the days until you head to the mountains or the beach for a few days of R&R. Remember, your home security shouldn't be on vacation as well. You may have adequate home insurance protection, but there are things you can do to help protect your property and keep your insurance premiums at a minimum. READ MORE >>
Friday, November 19, 2021A lot of people think they don't need life insurance. They assume coverage is unnecessary or would prefer to spend their money in other ways. However, life insurance is a way to financially protect your loved ones and dependents if something unfortunate were to happen to you. READ MORE >>
Monday, October 18, 2021Comprehensive auto insurance can be an important part of protecting your car. You may have this coverage on your policy, but are not sure exactly what it covers. This coverage is an optional addition to state required liability insurance. Sometimes, an auto loan company will require you to have comprehensive coverage to be sure the vehicle is protected. READ MORE >>
Monday, September 13, 2021Should you ever have to make a homeowners insurance claim, a home inventory list will greatly speed up the process. Homes contain an enormous collection of personal belongings, as you may have appreciated when boxing them during a move. Imagine trying to create such a list from memory. Very few people could do it. READ MORE >>
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